Create an Inspired and Motivating Study Space

Now exam is over, parents might want to rethink and revamp their child’s study room for their new school terms that will begin next year.

Well you might think its a bit early for that but it does take some time to plan and design before implementing it. Good to discuss with your child on your idea and do plan along with her during this school holidays.

Your child needs a study space that inspires her. A space that provides for storage, for organising, for thinking and studying.

These tips will help you create just that space.

We can break these to 3 different areas for consideration.

1) Think Environment :

a) Lighting- there are 2 types of lighting: direct and indirect. You should always opt for a combination of direct light for work surface and some form of indirect or disffused background light. Indirect lighting helps create an overall balance of illumination and can be natural or artificial light.

b) Colur- Colour affects the way we feel and natural colours heighten clear thinking and is conductive for quiet study eg. shades of white create an atmosphere of spaciousness, simplicity and calm. Avoid dark colours as they make the entire room gloomy. Moreover light colours reflect light and create a more spacious feel.

c) Ventilation : Proper Ventilation is essential for your child’s well-being . Get good air quality by choosing a place near windows and create an avenue for some form of fresh air.

d) Temperature: the human mind is conditioned to work best at optimum temperatures of 20-24C. The right temperature aids concentration and reduces distractions.

Part 2: Think Ergonomics  click here;


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